Mizo History
The origin of the
Mizos, like those of many other tribes in the North Eastern India is shrouded
in mystery. The generally accepted as part of a great Mongoloid wave of
migration from China and later moved out to India to their present habitat.
It is possible that
the Mizos came from Shinlung or Chhinlungsan located on the banks of the river
Yalung in China. They first settled in the Shan State and moved on to Kabaw
Valley to Khampat and then to the Chin Hills in the middle of the 16th century.
The earliest Mizos who
migrated to India were known as Kukis, the second batch of immigrants were
called New Kukis. The Lushais were the last of the Mizo tribes migrate to
India. The Mizo history in the 18th and 19th Century is marked by many
instances of tribal raids and retaliatory expeditions of security. Mizo Hills
were formally declared as part of the British-India by a proclamation in 1895.
North and south hills were united into Lushai Hills district in 1898 with
Aizawl as its headquarters.
The process of the
consolidated of the British administration in tribal dominated area in Assam
stated in 1919 when Lushai Hills along with some other hill districts was
declared a Backward Tract under government of India Act. The tribal districts
of Assam including Lushai Hills were declared Excluded Area in 1935.
It was during the
British regime that a political awakening among the Mizos in Lushai Hills
started taking shape the first political party, the Mizo Common People's Union
was formed on 9th April 1946. The Party was later renamed as Mizo Union. As the
day of Independence drew nearer, the Constituent Assembly of India set up and
Advisory Committee to deal with matters relating to the minorities and the
tribals. A sub-Committee, under the chairmanship of Gopinath Bordoloi was
formed to advise the Constituent Assembly on the tribal affairs in the North
East. The Mizo Union submitted a resolution of this Sub-committee demanding
inclusion of all Mizo inhabited areas adjacent to Lushai Hills. However, a new
party called the United Mizo Freedom (UMFO) came up to demand that Lushai Hills
join Burma after Independence.
Following the Bordoloi
Sub-Committee's suggestion, a certain amount of autonomy was accepted by the
Government and enshrined in the Six Schedule of the constitution. The Lushai
Hills Autonomous District Council came into being in 1952 followed by the
formation of these bodies led to the abolition of chieftanship in the Mizo
The autonomy however
met the aspirations of the Mizos only partially. Representatives of the
District Council and the Mizo Union pleaded with the States Reorganization
Commission (SRC) in 1954 for integrated the Mizo-dominated areas of Tripura and
Manipur with their District Council in Assam.
The tribal leaders in
the North East were laboriously unhappy with the SRC Recommendation s : They
met in Aizawl in 1955 and formed a new political party, Eastern India Union
(EITU) and raised demand for a separate state comprising of all the hill
districts of Assam. The Mizo Union split and the breakaway faction joined the
EITU. By this time, the UMFO also joined the EITU and then understanding of the
Hill problems by the Chuliha Ministry, the demand for a separate Hill state by
EITU was kept in abeyance.
FACTS AND LEGEND: But folklore has an interests tale of offer.
The Mizos, so goes the legend, emerged from under a large covering rock known
as Chhinlung. Two people of the Ralte clan, known for their loquaciousness,
started talking noisily while coming out of the region. They made a great noise
which leg God, called Pathian by the Mizos, to throw up his hands in disgust
and say enough is enough. He felt, too many people had already been allowed to
step out and so closed the door with the rock.
History often varies
from legends. But the story of the Mizos getting out into open from the nether
world through a rock opening is now part of the Mizo fable. Chhinlung however,
is taken by some as the Chinese city of Sinlung or Chinlingsang situated close
on the sino-Burmese border. The Mizos have songs and stories about the glory of
the ancient Chhinlung civilization handed down from one generation to another
powerful people.
It is hard to tell how
far the story is true. It is nevertheless possible that the Mizos came from
Sinlung or Chinlungsan located on the banks of the river Yalung in China.
According to K.S.Latourette, there were political upheavals in China in 210
B.C. when the dynastic rule was abolished and the whole empire was brought
under one administrative system. Rebellions broke out and chaos reigned
throughout the Chinese State. That the Mizos left China as part of one of those
waves of migration. Whatever the case may have been, it seems probable that the
Mizos mover from China to Burma and then to India under forces of
circumstances. They first settled in the Shan State after having overcome the
resistance put up by the indigenous people. Then they changed settlements
several times, moving from the Shan State to Kabaw Valley to Khampat to Chin
Hills in Burma. They finally began to move across the river Tiau to India in
the Middle of the 16th Century.
The Shans had already
been firmly settled in their State when Mizos came there from Chhinlung around
5th Century. The Shans did not welcome the new arrivals, but failed to throw
the Mizos out. The Mizos had lived happily in the Shan state for about 300
years before they moved on the Kabaw Valley around the 8th Century.
It was in the Kabaw
Valley that Mizos got the opportunity to have an unhindered interaction with
the local Burmese. The two cultures met and the two tribes influenced each
other in the spheres of clothing, customs, music and sports. According to some,
the Mizos learnt the art of cultivation from the Burmese at Kabaw. Many of
their agricultural implements bore the prefix Kawl which was the name given by
the Mizos to the Burmese.
Khampat (now in
Myanmar) is known to have been the next Mizo settlement. The area claimed by
the Mizos as their earliest town, was encircled by an earthen rampart and
divided into several parts. The residence of the ruler stood at the central
block call Nan Yar (Palace Site). The construction of the town indicates the
Mizos had already acquired considerable architecture skills. They are said to
have planted a banyan tree at Nan Yar before they left Khampat as a sign that
town was made by them.
The Mizos, in the
early 14th century, came to settle at Chin Hills on the Indo-Burmese border.
They built villages and called them by their clan names such as Seipui, Saihmun
and Bochung. The hill and difficult terrain of Chin Hills stood in the way of
the building of another central township like Khampat. The villages were
scattered so unsystematically that it was not always possible for the various
Mizo clans to keep in touch with one another.
MAUTAM FAMINE: In 1959, Mizo Hills was devastated by a great
famine known in Mizo history as 'Mautam Famine' . The cause of the famine was
attributed to flowering of bamboos which consequent resulted in rat population
boom in large numbers. After eating up bamboos seeds, the rats turned towards
crops and infested the huts and houses and became a plaque to the Villages.
The havoc created by
the rats was terrible and very little of the grain was harvested. For
sustenance, many Mizos had to collect roots and leaves from the jungles. Others
moved out to far away places edible roots and leaves from the jungles. Others
moved out to far away places while a considerable number died of starvation.
In his hour of
darkness, many welfare organization tried their best to help starving villagers
to facilitate supplies to the remove villages, no organised porters, animal
transport to carry the air-drop food supplies.
Earlier in 1955, Mizo
Cultural Society was formed in 1955 and Laldenga was its Secretary. In March
1960, the name of the Mizo Cultural Society was changed to 'Mautam front'
During the famine of 1959-1960, this society took lead in demanding relief and
managed to attract the attention of all sections of the people. In September
1960, the Society adopted the name of Mizo National Famine Front (MNFF). The
MNFF gained considerable popularity as a large number of Mizo Youth assisted in
transporting rice and other essential commodities to interior villages.
Mizo National Famine Front dropped the word 'Famine' and a new political
oraganisation, the Mizo National Front (MNF) was born on 22nd October 1961
under the leadership of Laldenga with the specified goal of achieving sovereign
independence of Greater Mizoram. Large scale disturbances broke out on 28th
February 1966 government installations at Aizawl, Lunglei, Chawngte, Chhimluang
and other places simultaneously.
While the MNF took to
violence to secure its goal of establishing a sovereign land, other political
forces in the hills of Assam were striving for a separate state. The search for
a political solution to the problems facing the hill regions in Assam continued.
The Mizo National
Front was outlawed in 1967. The demand for statehood was gained fresh momentum.
A Mizo District Council delegation, which met prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi
in May 1971 demanded a full fledge state for the Mizos. The union government in
its own offered the proposal of turning Mizo Hills into a Union Territory in
July 1971. The Mizo leaders were ready to accept the offer on condition into a
Union Territory in July 1971. The Mizo leaders were ready to accept the offer
on condition that the status of U.T would be upgraded to statehood sooner
rather than later. The Union Territory of Mizoram came into being on 21st
January, 1972. Mizoram get two seats in Parliament, one each in the Lok Sabha
and in the Rajya Sabha
BIRTH OF THE MIZORAM STATE: Rajiv Gandhi's assumption of power
following his mother's death signaled the beginning of a new era in Indian
politics. Laldenga met the Prime Minister on 15th February 1985. Some
contentious issues, which could not be resolved, during previous talks referred
to him for his advice.
All trends indicated
that neither the Centre nor the MNF would pass up the opportunity that has now
presented itself to have a full lenient and flexible. New Delhi felt that Mizo
problem had been dragging on for the long a time, while the MNF was convinced
that bidding farewell to arms to live as respectable Indian Citizens was the
only ways of achieving peace and development.
Statehood was a
prerequisite to the implementing of the accord singed between the MNF and and
the Union Government on 30 June 1986. The document was signed by
Laldenga, on the behalf of MNF, and the Union Home Secretary RD Pradhan on
behalf of the Government, Lalkhama Chief Secretary of Mizoram, too signed the
The MNF volunteers
came out of their hiding and surrendered arms to makeshift bamboo huts up for
the purpose at Parva and Marpara. A total of 614 activists gave themselves up
in less than two weeks in July. Large quantities of small and big firearms
including LMGs and rifles were received from them.
While the MNF kept its
part of the bargain, the Centre initiated efforts to raise the status of
Mizoram to a full fledged State. A constitution Amendment Bill and another to
confer statehood on Mizoram was passes in the Lok Sabha on 5 August 1986.
The formalization of
Mizoram State took place on 20th February, 1987.Chief Secretary Lalkhama read
out the proclamation of statehood at a public meeting organised at Aizawl's
Parade Ground. Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi flew in to Aizawl to inaugurate the
new state. Hiteshwar Saikia was appointed as Governor of Mizoram.
(A) Chhun leh zan
hun Ţhen te:
1. Thingchangvar-
Khawfingchah hma lawk a khaw eng lai lawk hi.
2. Varţian- Khawvar
3. Khawfingchah- Zing
khawvar hlim.
4. Khuantevik- Khawvar
tirh ar khuan hun.
5. Kawl en- Kawlkil en
tirh, Khawvar tirh.
6. Ni tlang san- Ni
chhuah san tawh hnu.
7. Naurilţam- Tukţhuan
eikham leh chawfak hun inkar.
8. Fehrehsan- Tukţhuan
eikham leh chawfâk hun inkar.
9. Chawfak hun- Chhun
chawei hun, Chhunlai.
10. Chawhnu tlang her-
Ni a her hret tawh hun hi.
11. Behliang mun hun-
Zanriah chhum hun hma deuh.
12. Losul haw hun- Ni
tlak hma, feh haw hun.
13. Unau hmel hai-
Thim hlim, inhmuh chian vak theih loh hun.
14. Leng len hun-
Zanriah eikham hnu, zan tir.
15. Leng hnawt chhuak
ar- Leng haw hun, dar 12 rik hma hian ar a khuang ţhin chu mi hun chu.
16. Zanlai ar khuang-
Zanlai dar 12 vel a ar khuang hi.
B) Upat lam sawina:
1. Ni la vui zo lo-
Naupang nileng a muhil lova la awm thei lo.
2. Se en rual- Naupang
lei kang tawh tak.
3. Tual chai rual-
Naupang kum 5-10 inkar vel hi.
4. Thingnawi fawm
rual- Tlangval la hre lo, mipa naupang sawina.
5. Tuha kuai rual-
Hmeichhia kum 14-17 inkar vel hi.
6. Ralkai rual- Mipa
kum 14-17 inkar.
7. Ram ţangrual-
Hmeichhia leh mipa kum 14-17 inkar.
8. Tleirawl- Hmeichhia
nulat hre ţan.
9. Rawlthar- Mipa
tlangval hre ţan.
10. Lenglai- Nula leh
tlangval nupui pasal la nei lo.
11. Lengţul- Nula
tlangva upa tawh nupui/pasal la nei lo.
12. Hmeithai- Mipa tel
lova mahni choh va, inhrang chang ve hi.
13. Pahmei- Chhungkua
a mipa chhawrtlak pakhat choh awm hi.
14. Parawl- Mipa mahni
chauh a inhrang chang a awm.
15. Pathlawi Nuthlawi-
Nupui pasal nei tawh, nei leh tawh lo te.
16. Val upa- Nupui nei
tawh pawh nise, thiltih nikhua a nula tlangval ho peih tak te hi.
17. Tu mawngbeng-
Fate’n a fa nei leh tawh hi.
18. Khupthum hmu-
Tute’n tu leh chhawng an neih hmuphak.
C) Hlat lam sawina:
1. Chil chhak phak-
Hnai te sawina (Uar taka a hnaihzia sawina)
2. Dumde ruang chen-
Hla tehchiam lo, hlat zawng sawina.
3. Lung vawm phak- Lam
hnai te sawina.
4. Kei daidan, Vawk
tlat phak- Khaw ţhenawm inhnaih tak vawk leh kel te pawh intlat pawh phak.
5. Chawhma kal-
Chawhma a ban tawk.
6. Nikhat kal- Nileng
a ban tawk.
7. Ram tuk khat- Khaw
khatin kum khat a lo an neih.
8. Kawlvalenchham-
Sava thlawh thlen phak. Ram hla tak.
9. Mitthim tlin tawk-
Mita hmuh phak tawk.
D) Hun rei lam sawina:
1. Arkai den zan- Thla
bial zan(Thla det a ţanga ni 15-ah)
2. Thla hlei nga- Thla
bial zan.
3. Thla hlei pai-
Naupai hun pangai aia rei pai.
4. Tuanna saruh khel-
Upa tawh si ţhang thei lo.
5. Tuibur hmuam da-
Hun rei lo te chhung sawina.
6. Vaibel bengkhat zuk
daih- Hun rei lote chhung sawina.
7. Kumpui linglet- Kum
tluan, kum tling chiah lo mahse kum a chhiar thei.
8. Hmakhaw sang- Hun
rei tawh tak, hriat chian hleih theih tawh lo.
9. Hmanlai- Hun rei
tawh tak, hriat chian hleih theih tawh loh.
10. Murakeka
khuangchawi- Hun rei tawh tak, hriat chian hleih theih tawh loh.
11. Thlanrawk pa
khuangchawi- Hun rei tawhtak hriat chian hleih theih tawh loh.
12. Tuan leh Mang- Hun
rei tawh tak, hriat chian hleih theih tawh loh.
E) Tlem leh tam lam
1. Ar chil zat- Uar
deuh tak a thil (tuiril) tlemzia sawina
2. Ui hum- Tlemte
3. Vei khat- Tlemte
4. Hawp khawp-
Chhungkuain kumkhat a buh an ei tawk.
F) Lenzawng sawina:
1. Hriau tiat- Thilte
tak te, thil zai sinte te sawina.
2. Phunthli tiat- Tlema
thilte ve si, hraw deuh sawina.
3. Vaibel dawn rual-
Tlema thilte ve si, hraw deuh sawina.
4. Sum- Kuttum in a
awh chen a lian.
5. Hmer khat- Hmer
zawh tawk a lian.
6. Hreiha rual-
Saiphir hmer vel a lian.
7. Khanchhuk rual-
Malpui tiat vela lian.
8. Pa pawn- Patling in
kut hmawr tawn inkhawi phak tawk a pawm tawk a lian.
9. Diar vet- Diar veh
chhuah tawk lian.
10. Hrei ha hlang-
Patling in hrei ha hmawra a vawn a kut khing leh lama a pek theih tawk kual
khung chhung tiat a lian.
11. Hmeithai in tiat- A
tiat chiah tak tak nikher lo, thil lian pui.
12. Ar hmaitiat- Uar
deuh taka ram tet zawng sawina.
G) Inkungkaihna lam:
1. A thlum a al ei za-
Thil engkim kilho va, ei ho ţhin.
2. Ai hnah phah pui- A
bul a ţang a thil tih pui.
3. Chul khat kual-
Unau piang hmun, nu khat hrin.
4. Phung leh chang-
Laichin unau leh ţhiante.
5. Sangawizawnpui-
6. Tu leh fa- Tunu
tupa, tuchhuan te zawng2.
7. Tual tlan za- Chi
hrang si chikhat ang a awm.
8. Vua leh vang-
Chhungkhat hla deuh pawh a huam.
9. Ţhian leh rual-
Ţhiante leh laina te.
10. Zemkhat zen- Eitur
leh intur thil engkim inţawm tlang.
H) Hun bik nei te:
1. Arpa chanlai-
Hnehtu chanlai.
2. Chhiatni Ţhatni-
Thihni leh nupui pasal neihni, ţhatni.
3. Furkhaw hnawlai-
Fur lai hun.
4. Hmel chhiat lai- Chawei
5. Kûtni vangthla- Kût
hunlai, hlim lai hun.
6. Vahsan lak lai-
Lovah hun lai.
7. Ţampui mitthi-
Chawei tur pawh awm lo ţam hun lai.
8. Ţhalva êk char-
Ţhal khawro vanglai.
I) Nupui Pasal chung
1. Charsut phâwi- Unau
hmeichhia naupang zawkin pasal a neih khalh.
2. Fanghmano ei-
Hmeichhe man pangai bak thildang chhuanlam a pek tel hi, man a chhiar tel a ni
lo. 3. Hringkir- Pasal nei a fa neih tawh hnua kir leh.
4. Karkalak zau- Laina
ngah nana man eitu tur dik tak ni lem lo man ei tir.
5. Lamthlang rapthla-
Hmeichhia pasal nei.
6. Makpa hnam hrual
chat- Hmeichhe pasal nei lai an thih in.
7. Ranngo zawng- Nupui
tur zawng.
8. Rem ar talh- Tluang
taka innei a fanau maltluan chawi turin lawi ar le mipa lam ar an talh a (ar
zang tuak an ti) Rem ar talh an ti bawk.
9. Sehrui sat chat-
Innei tur a sawi fel vek tawh, midangin an ţhulh tir.
10. Thisenpal-
Hmeichhia fa nei tawh.
11. Ţang ţhen- Inţhen
tihna a ni.
12. Ţangdang vuan-
Pasal nei tawh, a dang nei leh.
[source: Vangva site]
kan hriat threuh angin
Mizo hnahthlak hnam dang2 te cu Mizoram ah chauh nilo ram dang heng
Myanmar,Tripura,Bangladesh,Assam,Manipur ah te mahni chi peng tawng hmang
thliah2 in kn inzar pharh hlom a..heng ho zingah hian a bik takin Manipur ah
hian kan tam zual a..Manipur a Mizo hnahthlak hnam tam tak
heng(Tangkhul,Aimuol,Anal,Chawthe,Maring,Mayon,Muonsang,etc etc) zinga thenkhat
te chuan Naga ah min lo luh san ta a..rilru poh a na duh khop mai..He thil hi
eng vanga thleng ta mai nge ni ang aw tih hi k rilru in k lo ngaihtuah ngaituah
ve fo thin a..A backgrund tlem a zong ron tarlan ve mai2 k duh a..Chungte cu:
1) A hmasa berin Mizo
leh Naga hi hnam inhnaih tak.,nihphung leh ziarang poh inhnaih tak kn ni
a.."Mizo" tih leh "naga" tih term hi Umbrella term ani ve2
a..A chhungah hnam tam tak an awm ve2 ani tih cu kn hre threuh awm
e..Amaherawhchu Naga le Mizo hian danglamna tam tak an nei ve tho va..Mizo kan
han tih hian Tribal a duh apiangte Mizo intih ve ngot theih ani lova..Mizo hnam
te cu tawng chi hrang2 hmang ni mah ila kan tawng inhriatthiam theih tawnna(
Mutual Intelligibility which may be of a large or small degree)kan nei theuh
hlom a..Tin, kan culture,tradition,customs,History,original
religion(animism),folk tales n songs,etc te a in ang tlangpui hlom ani..chuvang
chuan kan chheh vela cheng hnam thenkhat heng Chakma(Takam Vai),Tuikuk,Meitei
etc te hian eng angin Mizo kan ni poh inti mahse a chunga kn soi tak
characteristics te khi min share pui ve loh avangin engtik ah mah Mizo an ni ve
thei ngai don lo ani..Naga erawh ve thung cu a chhunga hnam om ho te hian heng
mizo a kan hmuh characteristics te hi an nei ve mang lova..Hnam in hlat tak2
leh tawng inhlat tak2 vek anni hlom a.Sema leh Ao poh omna inhnaih hle mahse
engmah in an na an nei mang lo tih theih hial ani..a khaikhomtu om chhun cu
Naga hming chiah hi ani..Chuvangin Naga tribes han tih hian well-defined
boundary tak2 anei lova..An hotuten an lakluh duh leh an pawm apiangte cu Naga
an ni thei top ang tluk ani..Miin Naga ka ni an tih toh chuan an pom zel mai
niin a hmuh theih
2) Naga politics leh
Naga Movement hi Manipurah cuan a chak em2 a..An hel pol NSCN-IM phei hi cuan
power an nei in Naga Politics ah hian an inrol thuk em2 mai a..Manipur a naga
chengte ram hnam dang lak a humhim hi an thil tum thenkhat zinga pakhat
ani..Cutia an humhimna kawng a lo om hnam dang te cuan an tuar lo thei
lova..Meitei politics ah lah an tlatlum toh bok si lo.Hnam te zok leh chak lo
zok te tan chuan Naga nih ve mai kha an tam a hlawk zok avangin kan mizo
hnakthlak unaute poh hian an thlang mai thin niin a lang..Thawkkhat lai phei
khan cuan Unau Paihte ho zingah New Naga in ti duh pol te hial poh an lo piang
anih reng kha..
3)Mizo te hi Naga ho
ai hian kawng tam takah kan changkang zok a..keini angin Common language (
Lingua Franca) standard tak naga hnam tin in a hman tur an neih ve lova.An
common language ber atan an hnam Nagamese lah hi language poh ni lo,Dialect poh
ni lo..Pidgin mai2 ani a..Thiamlo taka Assamese an hman na atanga tualchher
tawng lo chhuak mai2 ani a..Official thil taka hman theih ani lova..ziak leh
chhiar thil a hman theih ani hek lo.Hei vang hian Thu leh Hla lampangah te hian
an chaurau hle..Hei vang hi ani Naga hla 1 mah tun thleng a Naga hnam pumpui
deng chhuak thei khop kan la hriat ngai loh ni..mahni tawng thliah2 a an phuah
tih mai loh cu..Amaherawhcu inpumkhata leh Politics lamah hian Naga ho hi kn
pha lo hle thung..Anni cu Naga ah hian an lungrual em2 vek a..keini erawh thung
cu chi leh chi,hnam leh hnam la in ti buai reng kan ni..Mizo tih umbrella term
pom lo hnam tam tak kan la om reng a..keini Zoram a om ho lah Mizo
tawng(duhlian tawng) hmang lo/thiam lo cu hmusit a Mizo a pom duh lo te poh kan
la om zel tho a..Hetia unau kn intihbuai a kan inhnial chhung hian naga
movement cuan chak takin Kan unau te min lak sak zel ani tih hi kan hriat theuh
k duh ani..
A tawp ber na a kan
sawi duh cu Mizo hnam hian Inpumkhat lehzual kan mamawh tih hi ani a..A state
nei tu leh U zok chan changtu keini Mizorama cheng te hian abikin mawhphurhna
kan nei nasa bik em2 a..Kan unaute mizo inti duh toh lote poh an chunga thinrim
mai lovin koh let a..zaidawh taka kan hrilfiah a kan connect pui that leh a
trul takzet a..Unau kn nih zia kan hriattir fo hi a trul ani..Chutia kan tih
cuan Naga kher ni lo hnam dang2 ah poh an inpek luh thin hi a tawp ang tih hi
ka beisei tlat ani.
Khampat Kulhbing leh Bungpui

KHAMPAT hi Mizoten an
chenna khawpui hlui zinga an sawi theih hla ber a ni a, Kabaw phaikuam
laili,tlema chhim lam hret,Kalemyo leh Tamu inkar motor kawng,Kalemyo atanga
mel sawmli pasariha awm a ni.Khampatah chuan kulh ropui tak,mel khat bial vel
dawn lai,mual tenau deuh tiata chhunpawn a awm a.Chu mi chhungah chuan kulhbing
sawm lai a awm leh a.Bung hi chu mi kulhbing lai ta ber bula phun chu a
ni,Kulhbing lai ta ber chu lalpa awmna a ni a.A dang pakuate chu khawnbawl
awmna an ni.Khampat lalpa chu Kawl lalber hnuaia lal pakuate zinga pakhat a ni
tih a ni bawk.
Khampat atanga an
chhuah dawn chuan Luseite chuan Bung an phun a.An upate chuan malsawmin thu an
thlung ta a.Hetiang deuh hian –
“Ka phun Bungpui
dawi-ai ka sanna,
Mi khawih loh,sa
khawih loh tein,
Thangin lian la Khuanu
leng hualin;
I tangzar piallei a
zam tikah,
Seifaten vangkhua rawn
ding leh nang e.”
An kal chhuak chu an
tam khawp mai a.Thlang lam kulh kawngkaa mau tel hnih awm chu an rap ral
raih a ni an ti.
Thlang an tlak zel hnu
chuan rei fe hnuah pawh an la hre reng a ni awm e.An lung a leng hle a ni ang –
“Chhak tianga kan
Chumchi leng romei a
kai chiai e,
Kan khaw phun bung a
tha her liai e,
Kan khaw phun bung a
her liai e,
A tang zarah kulva
kawl leng maw?”
Hengte hi hla hlui leh
titi an lo hriat dan chu a ni a.Tunlaia Mizo History chhuitute tan a zavaia
pawm vek har deuh mah se,tlem azawng a dik hlauh takin tia tarlan a ni.A
chhunga hma sang hla hlui leh titi ang deuhva thil lo thleng dik
thenkhatte a awm a.Chungte chu thenkhat chuan,mak an ti viau.
Khampat Bungpui zarin
1918-ah lei a dek a.He mi kum vek hian Zoram atangin Pu Sainguauva leh a hote
chu Kawbaw phaikuam an lo thleng a.Khampat Bungpui chanchin sawi tan leh masa
ber chu Rev.Dengkunga a ni a.1936 kham Khampat Bungpui hmunah a va kal
a,Bungpui chu awm thleng vela sangah a teh ta a.Hlam sawmhnih leh pali laia
lian a ni an ti.Tin,chhim lam zar chuan kulhbing a dek tawh a.Malu khuaa Kawl
putar pakhatin Khampat Bungpui hi hmasang Luseiho phun Bung a ni e,tiin a lo
hrilh a.
Zohmun khua 1947-a
sattu Pu Hauliana(58) chu kum sawmriat laia upa Thenzen Kawl lalin Khampatah
hman laiin Lusei te an lo cheng tawh thin a.He hmun hi an chhuahsan hmain Bung
an phun thu te leh chu Khampat hmunah ngei chuan khua sat leh turin a rawn thin
niin a sawi.
Rev.Tuahhranga chu
Missionary pakhat Rev.Gordon nen 1924 nipui laiin Yazaju khuaah Pathian thu an
sawi a.An sawi zawh veleh hcuan Kawl puatar tak pakhatin Khampat Bungpui
chanchin a lo hrilh bawk niin a sawi a.
Thenzen Kawl khaw lal
U Taih Nyunt(52) chuan a pa U Kyaw Oo(kum 75, thi tawh)-in Khampat Bungpui
chanchin a hrilh thin a,Lusei te Bungpui a nih thu a lo hriattir tawh thin a
Kawl ramah 1920-a pem
lut a,Tuivar khaw lal Pu Sawithuama (73) pawhin Khampat Bungpui chanchin hi
Kawl upate ka atangin a hre thin.
“Kum 1950 khan kan pi
pute hmun hlui cheimawi leh turin Kawl sawrkar hnenah dil a ni a.Lusei sipai
zinga officer thenkhat,Burma Lushai Association hruaitute nen Bungpui leh a a
thuthlung leh Lusei chanchin tlem nen Pumphlet te siamin sawrkar hruaitu tam
tak hnenah sem darhin kan hriattir a.
Tichuan sawrkar
hriatpuiin 9 February 1952-ah Khampat ram awptu Thinzen lal (headman) hnenah mi
pasarih kan va thleng ta a.A upahote ne hlim taka inkawmin,kan pi pute chanchin
ngaihnawm tak leh Bungpui tangin lei a deh leh atanga Luseite lo kir leh mai
tura an lo thlir kumkhua thu te min hrilh mawlh mawlh hlawm a.A tukah lal
lehkha keng chuan,chuta tanga mel sarih laia hla Khampat Kawl hotu U Aung Ling-a
in kan pan ta a.U Aung Ling-a leh a upa U Mya Pe chuan Khampat kulh chhung
Bungpui hmunah chuan min hruai ta a.
Tlai dar thum velah
kan zu thleng a.Kulh kawngka kan han lut a,Bungpui hmel kan hmu chu,engnge maw
ti takin thinlung a thar a,lungte pawh a chhe rum rum mai a.Awm nghet tura kal
kan nih avangin Bungpui bulah chuan,chu hmun chu tluang taka kan luah zel
theihna turin Pathian hnenah kan tawngtai a.
Kan Bungpui chu a
ziding sang tak,diar tiat zet a lian laiah chuan a tliak a,a lo tla thar sur mai
a.Engtiziaa tliak nge a nih a,eng tika tliak nge a nih kan han zawh lah chuan
anni chuan,”Kan hre bik lo,ni hnih khat lek a la ni ang,keini pawh tunah kan
hmu ve chauh a ni,” an ti ve mai a.Tichuan chu mi hmunah chuan bawkte khawhin
kan awm chilh a.
Tahan lamah chak dapa
kan va kal haw lam chu 20 March 1952 velah Khampat chu kan thleng leh a.Kan
Bungpui chu a kakpui hnuai mar tha lai tak,inchung chen zeta sangah chuan a lo
tlik sawm leh rup mai a.Chutiang thing hlam sawmpariat vet laia lian, kawrawng leh
him lohna dang pawh nei hauh si lo va,thing tangro ulh tliah hmawk ang maia
rual taka lo tliak sawm ta rup mai chu hrilh a haiin ngaih te pawh a tha lo rum
rum mai a.
Kan ngaihtha mang lo
chuan kan vela Kawl upate kan han zawt a.Anni lah chuan, “In Bungpui a ni
a,nangmahniin in hre zawk ang chu,” te min tihsan mai mai a.A tawpah chuan
Yazaju puitiam un ber kum sawmkaw mi lai hnenah kan va kal a.
Ngaihthat loh tur a ni
lo ve.Bungpui kha in aiawh a,pi pute thuthlunna a ni a.An thuthlun ang ngei
khan mi khawih loh sa khawih lohin a lo thang lian a,a vel thing zawng zawng
aia lian ber leh sang ber a ni a.A rah duh em em a,a zar leh lam rah chu lupui
chunga tlain sanghaten an lo ei a.Chung lamah savaten an tlan a,hnuai lamah
ramsaten an lo blan bawk a.Chutiang chuan Luseite hi heng lai vela ropui ber
tur i ni.In pi pute thuthlung ang zelin thil a lo awm a.Bung zarin lei a deh
a,in lo kir leh hnu hian Bungpui chu a nun a thiang tawh lo.In awm loh hlani in
aiawhtu chauh a ni a,a thuthlung vawn chu a hlen tawh a,a thih a tul tawh a
ni,” tiin min lo hrilh a.
Kum 1953 tir lamah
khan Bungpui hmun chu kan chhuahsan leh a.Mel khat vela hla motor kawngpui
bulah kan insawn ta a.March 1954 thla-ah bawkte tein in sawmsarih kan tling ta.
Chutih lai chuan Kawl
ram hruaitute zinga hmingthang ber pakhat Minister U Kyaw Nyein lo kal
chuan,”Khampatah chaw ka ei ang,” a ti a.Tichuan kan upa Pu K.Manliana nen kan
pi pute sulhhnu leh Bungpui chanchin te chu an sawidun ta a.An titi zawh chuan
U Kyaw Nyein-a chuan “Hei K.Manlianan Khampat ram hi kan ram tih leh Bungpui
thu a sawi te hi a hriatpui in awm em?,” tiin Kawl upate chu a zawt a.Khampat
chhehvel lal,kum sawmkua laia upa pakhat chuan a hma lama kan sawi tawh ang
bawk khan, fiah takin a rawn chhang a.
Chutia thil engkim an
hrilhfiah hnu chuan U Kyaw Ngein-a chuan ,”Khampat Bungpui ka hmu duh e,” a ti
a.A tluk chhiat tawh thu an hrilh pawhin,”Ka hmu duh reng reng e,” a ti talh
a.An zuk kal ta a.Bungpui tlu luangah chuan Kawl upa leh Pu K.Manlaian teho
chuan Bungpui leh Lusei chanchin te chu an sawiho leh ta a.U Kyaw Ngein-a
chuan,”Luseite hi in lo awm ngei tawh a,in hmun a ni ngei tih kan hriatpui a
che u,”a ti a.
Tichuan U Kyaw Ngein-a
haw hnu rei lo teah chuan Bungpui chu ram kangin a kangfai ta vek a.A zung mut
te chu a kum leh February (1953) thla thlengin a la mut ta vang vang reng a
Heng zawng zawng hi mi
hmasaten Khampat Bungpui leh kulhbing chanchin an lo hriat dan,mite sawi an lo
dawn te leh anmahni ngei pawhin an hmuh leh hriatte an sawi leh an lo ziak
chhuah te chu a ni a.A ngaihnawm hle a.Amaherawhchu History dik leh pawmawm a
nih leh nih loh thlur atangin Historicity eng ang thleng nge a neih sawiho leh
ta ila.
Khampat bungpui hi Pu
Puna phun a ni, thenkhat chuan an ti a.He bungpui hi kulh nambar pathumna bula
to a ni.Tunah chuan a vap tlingkhawm pawng deuh hlek chauh hmuh tur a awm
tawh.He Bungpui khaw chhak lam hretah a zungpuak ni awm tak Bung lian fe a ding
bawk a.Chung lai vela thing lian ber a tling tawh a.Tiang pawh pahnih lai a
thlak nghe nghe.Tin, a kiang lawkah hian bung dang,Bungpui thi ta tiang atang a
kung chang ta nia an sawi a ding leh bawk a.Kulh tlangpui pawn lamah hian bung
dang pali lai a awm bawk.
Engpawh ni se,Bungpui
ber a thih tawh avangin leh a dangte la awm bawk mah se hmasang Mizote phun a
nih leh niengti kawng mahin finfiah theih a ni lo va.Thawnthu leh titia kan
hriat ang hian awm rih mai sela.
Khampat kulhbing
chungchang erawh hi chu chik deuha kan zir a ngai.A hma lamah khan,”Khampat lal
chu Kawl lal ber hnuaia lal pakuate zing a mi a ni,” tiin an lo sawi thin na
a.Hei hian pakua chiah tak tak kawk lovin,”tam tak zinga mi” tih ang deuha pawm
tur a ni ang.A chhan chu pakua aia tam daih an awm avangin a ni.
Khampat kulh hi
hrechiang turin ka study ngun hle a.Kan beih dan te,thian thaten tlawmngai tak
ni tin min puih dan te chu dah thain kan hmuh chhuah,chhiattu tan hlawkna tur
leh tangkai awmte chauh tarlang ila.He Khampat kulh hi lei chhun pawn vek a ni
a.A kulh pawn lamah hian tuia hual vel niin a lang.Kulh san lam hi hmun
thenkhatah chuan a pawn lam ft.75,46,65-a sang te an ni a.Kulh chhung san lam
chu ft.46,35,42-te an ni thung.A chung zawl zau lam chu ft.13,16 te an ni.Heng
kan tehna hmun te hi kulh la tha lai deuh,hmasang kutchhuak hmel pu lai ber awm
hmun te thlan bik a ni nghe nghe.Tui hualna(tui kulh) ni awma rin te chu ft.25
laia zau te an ni.
Kulh kawngka te hi
kawr a tlak hnem tawh em avangin hman lai kutchhuak nge, tui luanpawh chawp
a,bawng rah khuar belh zel tih hriat thiam a har fu.
Kulh tlangpui ber (a
pawn ber) h i a sang thain a chhah rinawm bik hle a.A chhunga mite erawh chu a
tenau fe.A thente phei chu kulh a nih hriat harsa khawpa tenau leh pherh sawp
tawh an ni.Kulh sawh tlangtu Nampalawng lui hmar lamah hian kulh a awm zel leh
zel loh ni lengin kan zawng a.Kna hmu zo lo va.Chuvangin kulh hian hmar lamah
lui a tlawhchhan niin a rinawm.
Kulh hi engtia zau nge
tih hriat tumin kan teh chhuak ta vekl a.Kulh namber 7-na atang namber 16-na
inkar hi mel 2.383 a sei a ni a.Nampalawng lui ding zela tehin kulh namber 1-na
atanga 6-na inkar hi furlong 5.775 a ni.
Khampat hming hi Shan
tawng a ni a.”Rangkachak thi khua” (Kham = rangkachak , pat = thi) tihna a
ni.Nampalawng lui hming pawh hi Shan hming bawk, “Nghakhing lui”(Nam = lui emaw
tui, Palaung = Nghaking) tihna mai a ni.Hetiang deuh bawk hian Kabaw
phaikuamah hian Shan tawng hming pu khaw sawmpahnih, lui hming pali aia tlem lo
a awm.
Hmasang Mizote chu
Khampatah hian an lo awm ngei tawh a ni tia upa titi leh thawnthua kan hriat
thin hi record tha leh a ziak meuhin kawl lo mah ila,thu dik ngei a nih kan
ring a.Amaherawhchu, zawhna pawimawh tak kan hmachhawn nghal rap a.Chu chu
thenkhat rin angin tuna kan hmuh theih Khampat kulh hi hmasang Mizo kut chhuak
a ni ang em? tih hi a ni.Hei hi ngun deuhin i han ching leh teh ang.
Burma ramah hian
khawpui hlui tam tawk tak a awm a.Chungte chu Arial Photo Department,
Archeaological Survey leh Historical Commision te tangrualin a map te nen
fel taka record tumin tun hma deuh atang khan an bei a.Tunah hian chung atanga
an thawh rah khawpui hlui mep sawmnga lai lem chu kan nei tawh .Heng khawpuite
hian pianhmang hrang hrang an nei hlawm.Killi (apuare) neia din khawpui
te,kulli nei , a dung leh vang inchen lo (retangular) te, a bial (circular) te
an ni.A then chu tuipui emaw, tui emaw tlawhchhana din te,tlang rinchhana tlang
chunga din te an ni.
Khampat kulh hi chu a
bial ang deuh, sawi ang reng si leh lui tlawhchhana din khawpui hlui zinga telh
tur a ni ang.
Hetiang khawpa kulh
nghet leh tha an din chuan hmelma chak tawk tak an nei ngei tihna a ni
a.Hetiang din thei tur hian hmanrua leh hriamhrei tha tawk an neih a ngai ang.
Tin, khawpui nun (urban civilization) nei tawh an ni ang a.An hmun hlui an
chhuahsan hnu pawhin khawiah emaw,eng hunah emaw chuan chutiang zawl deuh thaw
talin an indin chhuak leh ngeiin a rinawm.Heng hi khawvel history
kalhmang tlangpui leh awm dan an ni.
Hetiang tehna leh
thlirna hawl pha tur hian Mizo History hi khalh chhuah tum ta ila.Bung hmasa
lama sawi tawh ag khan Kabaw phaikuama an lo thlen hian Manipur leh Burma ram
laili vela awm Kadu-hote inzawmna chu an chhu chat a.Chuvangin an indo thin kha
a ni a.Kulh pawh inhumhim nan an mamawh ngei ang.
Tuna kan hmuh Khampat
kulh ang din tur hi chuan hmanrua leh hriamhrei tih tlak an la nei lo ang.Thlai
chin nan leh ram lama hna thawh nan hmanrua eng eng emaw te nei bawk mah
se,hetiang kulh tha leh rinawm , tha tam tak seng a,hmaraw tha tawk nei mang lo
chuan puitlin chi rual a ni lo.Puitlin theihna khawpa hriamhrei an la nei lo
awm e.
Khampat kulh tuna kan
hmuh ang chi-a chengte hi chu khawpui nun leh khawsak dana cheng ngei tawh an
nih a rinawm.An khaw chhungah dawr te, bazar te,kut themthiam hmanga ei zawng
te leh khawpui nihphung eng eng emaw hi chu an pha ngei tur a ni a.Mahse,
Mizote hi chu 1890 hun daih tawh, Sapho an lo chhuah tirh lai meuh pawh khan
hmasanga hnam mawl nunphung leh khwsak dan (primitive society) chauh niin an
rawn hmu a.
Tin , mi tupawh
khawpuia an chen tawh a,khawpui nun anga an lo khawsak thin tawh chuan, kum eng
eng emaw chhung harsatna avangin hloh mah se,a hnuah a ni lo berah a ngai ang
tal chuan nun an duh leh thin a.An ngaihtuahna khawvelah khawpui nun ang kha a
bo thei lo va.An suangtuahnaah a cham fo thin.Chuvangin a hnu kum sawmngaah
emaw, zaah emaw an din leh thin a ni.
Mizote Khampat atanga
an chhuah hnu hian khawiah mah khawpui nun anga an chen leh thu hriatna a awm
lo va.In tam deuhin khaw khatah chengho mah se,thingtlang nun hniam tak,khawpui
pianhmang tel lo, mawl takin an khawsa thin niin a lang.
Chhiarpui hmasa ber 1901-ah
khan Zoram mipui zat chu 78,478 a ni a.Kabaw phaikuama chen lai hi chuan hei ai
hian an tlem ngei ang a.Mahse Khampat kulhbing chhunga cheng vek tur chuan an
tam lutuk deuhin a lang.
Khampat kulh chhungah
hian an cheng ngei lo ni ta sela.An aia chak zawk hmelmaten an nawr chhuak ni
ngei tur a ni a.Mahse titiah leh thawnthuah chauh tal pawh an hmelmate an sawi
hriatna a awm lo.Khawpui mi anga cheng leh nunphung hniam lutuk lo an nih chuan
chhinchhiah theih a awm hle a.An hriat tlat lohna atang hian hetih lai hian
khawpui nun leh khawsak dan chu an la pha lo hle niin a lang.
Hetianga chik fea kan
han chin kan han chin hian,Khampat hmunah titi angin hmasang Mizote an chen
ngei a rinawm na a,tuna hmuh theih kulhbing hi erawh chu an kutchhuak a nih kan
ring thei lo a ni.A nih leh tu te kutchhuak leh eng huna an siam nge ni ang?
Kawl-ho leh Manipur-ho
hi hman lai atangin an indo fo a.Ram an inchuh reng reng thin a.Konbaung Period
(1752-1885)-ah phei chuan Khampat hi ramri khaw pawimawh tak a ni tawh a.Manipur-ho
dan nana hmun pawimawh a tling.Chuvangin Khampat kulh hi a siam dan te,a
pianhmang te, a kutchhuak hmelhman g te thlirin Kawl-hovin Manipur-ho dan nana
ramri kulh anga an siam a nih a rinawm hle.Kum zabi 17 velah din a ni ang a.A
pawimawh ang zelin hmun danga hmasang kulh thenkhat ang bawkin an belhchhah zel
niin a lang.Tichuan kum zabi 18 leh 19 thlengin an siam belh chho zel a ni mai
thei.Kulhbing hrang hrang a awm te,kulhbing insawhnaa kawngka an dah thliah te
hi hmelma an lo luh huna kulh pawn ber atangin an lo do ang a.An hneh loh chuan
a pahnihna, pathumna ti ang zelin do chunga hnungtawlh nan an siam a nih a
rinawm hle a ni.
[Source: mizo tahan
Who are the
The term 'Zomi'
meaning, 'Zo People' is derived from the generic name 'Zo', the progenitor of
the Zomi. In the past they were little known by this racial nomenclature. They
were known by the non-tribal plain peoples of Burma, Bangladesh and India as
Chin, Kuki, or Lushai. Subsequently the British employed these terms to
christen those 'wild hill tribes' living in the 'un-administered area', and was
subsequently legalised to be the names for the newly adopted subjects by Queen
Victoria of England. However, they called themselves Zomi since time
immemorial. They are Zomi not because they live in the highlands or hills, but
are Zomi and called themselves Zomi because they are the descendants of their
great great ancestor, 'Zo'.
In this regards,
F.K. Lehman, Professor of Anthropology and Linguistics, University of Illinois
(USA), who had done extensive study on the Chin of Burma, said:
'No single
Chin word has explicit reference to all the peoples we customarily call Chin,
but all - or nearly all of the peoples have a special word for themselves and
those of their congeners with whom they are in regular contact. This word is
almost always a variant form of a single root, which appears as Zo, Yo, Ysou,
Shou and the like.' Relating
to this generic name, Fan-Cho a diplomat of the Tang dynasty of China,
mentioned in 862 AD a Kingdom in the Chindwin Valley 'whose Princes and Chiefs
were called Shou (Zo)' . In 1783, Father Vincentius Sangermano in
his book, 'A Description of the Burmese Empire' described them as, "a
petty nation called JO (JAW)" Sir Henry Yule, as early as
1508 mentioned about the YO country the location of which was "west
of the mouth of the Kyen-dwen (Chindwin) the interior of Doab, between the
Irrawaddy and the Chindwin, from Mout-Shabo upwards and the whole of the hill
country east and north-east of the capital, towards the Ruby-mines, the upper
course of Hyitnge, and the Chinese frontier" . Rev. Howard
Malcolm also testified thus, "The YAW (ZO) is on the lower waters
of the Khyendiwen (Chindwin) not far from Ava. The district is sometimes called
YO or JO".
Another early
use of the name ZO with reference to the Zomi (Kuki-Chin-Lushai), the first on
the Lushai Hills side which till then was a terra incognito, was by Col. T.H.
Lewin, the first white man to know the inhabitants of Lushai Hills (Mizoram).
He wrote that he came to know, during the Lushai Expedition of 1871-72
that, 'the generic name of the whole nation is Dzo' Dr.
Francis Buchanan also wrote of Zomi and Zomi language ,
while Captain Pemberton mentioned Zo or Jo in his 'Reports on the
Eastern Frontiers of British India, 1835'. The fact that the Zomi were
known as ZOU or YO or YAW, before their society evolved into clan based
organisation and lineage segmentation, was pointed out by Dr. G.A. Grierson in
his survey, thus,
'The name
(Kuki and Chin) is not used by the tribes themselves, who use titles such as
ZOU or YO or CHO'.
Rev Sukte T. Hau
Go, a former lecturer of Mandalay University (Burma) also shared the same view,
is the correct original historical name of our people, from the Naga hill to
the Bay of Bengal. To the north of Tedim, the Thadous and other tribes call
themselves Yo; in Falam, Laizo. The Tedim people call themselves Zo; the
Lushais, Mizo; in Haka, Zotung, Zophei, Zokhua. In Gangaw area Zo is pronounced
as YAW, in Mindat Jo or CHO; and in Paletwa Khomi. In Prome, Thayetmyo,
Sandoway and Bassein areas they call themselves A-Sho. So, inspite of slight
variations Zomi is our original historical national name ".
Regarding the
truth of Zomi as the racial designation of the so-called Kuki-Chin people, U
Thein Re Myint, a well known Burmese Writer, who knew Chin history, perhaps
better than the Chin themselves remarks:
'Even though
these tribes of people, who are called Chin, do not necessarily protest their
name, their original name is, in fact, Zomi '.
Two British
administrators, Bertram S. Carey and H.N. Tuck who place Zo people under modern
system of administration record as thus:
'Those of
the Kuki tribes which we designate as "Chins" do not recognise that
name……they call themselves YO (ZO)…and YO (ZO) is the general name by which the
Chins call their race'
Another European
writer, Sir J. George Scott also claimed that, the Zomi never called themselves
by such names as Kuki or Chin or Lushai. He wrote:
'The names
like Kuki and Chin are not national, and have been given to them by their
neighbours. Like others, the people do not accept the name given by the Burmese
and ourselves; they do not call themselves Chins, and they equally flout the
name of Kuki which their Assamese neighbours use. They call themselves Zhou or
Shu and in other parts Yo or Lai.
It is,
therefore, no wonder that Zomi use the term Zo, Zou, Zhou, Chou, Shou, Yo, Jo,
Yaw, Shu, etc in their speech and poetic language as Zo-Vontawi, Zo-lei, Zogam
or Zoram, Zo-tui, Zo-fa, etc; in naming geographical names such as Zotlang,
Zopui, Zobawks; and in some of the clan names like Zophei, Zotung, Zokhua,
Laizo, Bawmzo, Zote, etc. All these have a common derivation from the generic
name, "ZO".
It is also
because of this fact that scholars like Dr. Vum Kho Hau, Prof. Laldena, Dr. Vum
Son, Dr. Tualchin Neihsial, Dr. H. Kamkhenthang, Dr. Mangkhosat Kipgen, Cap.
Sing Khaw Khai, Dr. J. M. Paupu, Pu K. Zawla, Pu R. Vanlawma, B. Langthanliana,
Dr. V. Lunghnema, Dr. Hawlngam Haokip, Pu L. S. Gangte, Pu T. Gougin, Pu Thang
Khan Gin Ngaihte, Rev. S. Prim Vaiphei, Rev. Khup Za Go, Pu L. Keivom, Rev. S.
T. Hau Go, Dr. Khen Za Sian, Prof. Thang Za Tuan, Rev. Sing Ling etc. concluded
that ZO is the ancestor of the Zo people (Zomi).
[Source: Zogam
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